Prayer for an Ailing President

 (President Trump and his wife have been diagnosed with COVID-19. The following prayer is drawing from Psalm 98. It is also a prayer to be prayed for any sitting President hit by a serious disease)

Almighty God, who judges the world with righteousness and the peoples with equity, look upon your servants (Mr. Trump, his wife and family) who have contracted this virus. Lift up their hearts, sustain their healing, give rest and refreshment to them body and soul, and grant them a speedy recovery. And during this time, as they feel the aches and discomfort, may they reflect more on you, your mercy and grace, than on their own ailment. Draw them close to you, that they may show themselves joyful unto the Lord, singing, rejoicing and giving thanks. Through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen


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