Strange Phenomenon: A New Book!

It is a strange phenomenon. When someone leads public prayer, they either begin to have a truckload of ideas flood their minds and pour out of their mouths that take them across the landscape, from Ziklag to Kadesh. Or, they freeze and can barely get a request to come out, especially a petition that makes any intelligible sense. These have been my own personal experiences as well. Therefore, I
felt I had to do something about the situation.

After becoming a pastor, I found that the remedy for my roaming and rambling or stammering and stumbling was to type out most of my public prayers. Whether I am leading a congregation in a corporate confession of sin, or a communal series of prayers, it helps me, and those praying with me, to know that I have a thought-out beginning, middle, and an end. Therefore, over the years, I have
scripted and saved a pile of prayers. They have been handy for several settings, and some have been picked up by others for their own personal uses.

This little book is a compilation of a number of those prayers. It will be released soon. So keep an eye out for it.


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