Touched and Gladdened in Heart!

Recently, a friend in another State purchased "To You I Lift Up My Soul".  He's had it about two weeks. Then, on Sunday he sent me this message:

"So I gave the book to a home worship group leader to use tonight, he decided to start going through the topical prayers and we prayed the miscarriage one. A lady started crying so we all gave her a hug. So that won't go in my review but it is highly impactful in a good way."

I am, in all honesty, touched. And I am gladdened of heart! Here is the prayer he referred to:

Lord God, to whom even the darkness is not dark; the
night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you.
Who formed our inward parts; knitted us together in our
mother's womb. We praise you, for we are fearfully and
wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; our soul
knows it very well (Psalm 139:12–14). We remember
those of our children and grandchildren who are still
being formed by your skillful hands in their mother’s
wombs. Smile on their gestation and may they each come
forth always trusting in you and your goodness. But we
also remember before you those who never saw the light
of day, as well as those who quickly passed away (…).
Thank you for the little moment their mamas and daddies
had with them. Thank you for the brief kick or movement
in their mother’s womb. We believe your Son when he
said the kingdom of heaven is heavily populated with
brephas, with pre-born and newborn children. Give
soothing stillness and healthful wholeness to their
mothers and fathers. O Lord, hear our prayer.


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